Boon will always be predictable and transparent with trip fares. We will always make our prices explicit before riders make a trip request and we will also make sure to notify exact prices with at least 24 hours in advance.

Base rate ¢320
Minimum rate ¢755
Cost per minute ¢32
Cost per Km ¢190
Fine for trip cancellation ¢320
Night surcharge: 1.5x (from 12 am a 5 am)

Base rate ¢400
Minimum rate ¢800
Cost per minute ¢40
Cost per Km ¢240
Fine for trip cancellation ¢400
Night surcharge: 1.5x (from 12 am a 5 am)

Base rate ¢750
Minimum rate ¢1500
Cost per minute ¢75
Cost per Km ¢450
Fine for trip cancellation ¢750
Night surcharge: 10% extra 1.5x (from 12 am a 5 am)

Base rate ¢750
Minimum rate ¢1060
Cost per minute ¢75
Cost per Km ¢300
Fine for trip cancellation ¢750
Night surcharge: 10% extra 1.5x (from 12 am a 5 am)

Base rate ¢645
Minimum rate ¢1060
Cost per minute ¢55
Cost per Km ¢300
Fine for trip cancellation ¢645
Night surcharge: 10% extra 1.5x (from 12 am a 5 am)

Base rate ¢450
Minimum rate ¢900
Cost per minute ¢45
Cost per Km ¢260
Fine for trip cancellation ¢450
Night surcharge: 10% extra 1.5x (from 12 am a 5 am)

Dynamic Rate
There are no dynamic rates.

Rate adjustments

Do you need more information about price details, IVA taxes or any other related matter? Please contact our Support Team and they´ll get in touch with you with more information.